Our Story

As written by Charity.

Our story begins August 17th, 2013, the day we met. As suggested by a friend, I decided to attend a Social Introverts meetup. I am not an introvert by any means, but he said I would enjoy playing board games and it would be a great way to get out and meet people. I was nervous, as I didn’t know what to expect from a room full of introverts. I sat next to a very quiet blonde man… and that is where we start.

After that meetup, I told my friends about this guy who was very kind and helped others learn to play. As a noncompetitive person myself, I liked seeing a guy who would help others instead of using their ignorance to his advantage.

Eric keeps it very close to the vest with people he does not know and did not talk a lot about himself. During the next few weeks we had small conversations. He did show me pictures of his cat Aurora on his phone, and I knew then he was a good person. (That’s the test, in case you wondered).

Fast forward to November 1st. The group met at the Science Center for a Halloween Mixology event. I was the only person in the group to arrive in a costume (introverts, duh). I sat next to Eric feeling very self-conscious. He complimented my costume and made small talk regarding our occupations. While walking around in a small group, my guy friend advised that Eric liked me. I then paid attention, and realized Eric was very attentive and sweet! Afterward, the group walked to a restaurant where Eric sat by me and we talked more. Being considerate, he walked me to my car and inquired if I was okay to drive myself home.

Eric did not go to the board game meetup the morning after the Halloween event as he had a conference related to software development. I sent him a private message through the meetup site telling him I was sad he was not able to attend, but hoped he’d enjoyed his conference. He responded to my message that day asking for a date! Knowing Eric is very shy, I was impressed.

Our first date was later that week. We browsed an art gallery, then had dinner and talked at a restaurant within walking distance from my apartment. We talked for hours, until the business closed! At my door, I kissed him on the cheek and felt that thrill of blooming romance as I went inside.

I fell in love with Eric right away. Although we’re almost polar opposites in some areas (such as introvert/extrovert), this seems to make us better matched. Where I’m weak, he’s strong. He’s my soul twin. I don’t know how long our old souls were searching the universe, but I’m so lucky to have finally found him.